Frequently asked questions
Q. How big are the garages?
A. Most are the standard size - 16ft x 8ft (4.9m x 2.4m).
Q. How is the rent paid?
A. By standing order via your bank, or credit card/debit card (admin fee applies)
Q. What should I consider when using a garage for storage?
A. If used for storage, we always suggest that, like with storage of any item, it is advisable for it to be placed off the ground and on pallets, and not stacked hard against the walls, to allow ventilation; items should be sheeted with polythene.
Please refer to our terms and conditions for items that we consider exempt from being stored in a garage.
Q. Can I view the garage?
A. We suggest you carry out an external viewing of the garage site to confirm location (we would not need to meet you for this) Internal viewings of the garages are not possible; however each garage is checked and confirmed as suitable for rental by our maintenance team.
Q. What is the deposit?
A. The current deposit for lock-up garages is £100 which is refundable when the garage is given up if the Licence Agreement terms have been complied with - ie left clean and tidy with locks in place and correct notice to vacate given.
Q. How much notice do I have to give to give up the lock-up garage?
A. Standard notice is one full calendar month
Q. Who insures my goods?
A. The Letting/Managing Agent or the Landlord does not accept any responsibility for motor vehicles/goods stored in the garages, nor the use of any access/egress and we therefore suggest that if insurance is required you contact your own insurers.
Q. How do I receive keys?
A. Upon receipt of a signed tenancy and payment of the deposit and first months rental. Keys are sent by first class post when the garage is ready to occupy.